Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Cytomegalovirus (CMV) And Its Link to High Blood Pressure

I'm always fond of knowing things about improving my health as I take my health seriously. I always try to maintain my health in a natural way.

I am also very interested in knowing what I have control over (diet, exercise, etc.) and what I don't have control over (genetics, mass pollution, etc) where my health is concerned.

Mostly I prefer researching health topics that brings value to me and my clients. On the basis of this research I collected a lot of details on cytomegalovirus. And also its connection to hypertension.

Greek names viruses are interconnected as this virus also gets it's name from Greek cyto (cell) plus megalo (large). This virus comes from the bigger herpes family. Mononucleosis is also part of the same virus family.

Developing countries is mostly affected by this virus, even though it is found in almost all countries. CMV virus affects 60 to 99 percentage of the population. Urine, saliva and semen are the substances through which this virus is passed.

The first thing, a virus which I have not heard of affects 60 percentage of the population. Secondly there is 39 percent gap in infection rate reports to be inconsistent. This two reasons bother me a lot.

Not being a doctor, I asked a good friend who is a doctor about this. He told me that this virus is indeed widespread (basically everyone age 40 or older is at least a carrier of the virus). What?

My friend went on to explain that the virus doesn't generally produce symptoms in children or adults unless the patient is has an immune compromised system already (HIV infected, organ transplant recipients and elderly patients).

About one percent of born babies get this virus as birth defect. This virus is rarely life threatening apart from the above said conditions.

I can live with that if it is harmless.

Recent studies however have shown that there is indeed a link between CMV virus and atherosclerosis (hardening of the arteries). This in turn can lead to high blood pressure on its own but is even more likely when combined with a high cholesterol diet.

If untreated hypertension can destabilize all the other organs and this may lead to conditions like stroke, blindness etc. It can even affect younger patients, but it is commonly found in persons above the age of 80.

This opens new doors as far as preventative medicine is concerned. New research has lead many experts to consider vaccines as an option when looking at high blood pressure patients.

What will protect me tomorrow from this? Basically regular exercise and healthy diet are the better ways to eliminate hypertension. You can also take prescribed medicine, but all the prescribed medicines comes with a side effect.

Alternatively all my natural high blood pressure programs are recommended. The breathing and relaxation exercise are very easy to do with amazing results and zero side effects.


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